
Music, photographs, design <3

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Respect to the men, who knows how to tie a bowtie!

Evening everyone,

Today I havent been doing much else than sewing, and my “keyproject” today has been the bowtie. I have to make a few to some different people in the upcoming weeks. I can sew them, but I surely can’t tie them properly!

Here’s my try:

It’s too big for me though, since it’s for my dad. It was actually quite easy to make 🙂 Another thing to add on my repertoir!! – What do you think of it?

Have a great evening!



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Artist of the month Sonny Fredie Pedersen


Hi everyone! The artist of the month This time, is Sonny Fredie Pedersens. Today is his new single-” Save the world (on the dancefloor)” having worlpremiere.

Sonny-Fredie Pedersen is a Danish dancer/ singer, who lives in Hollywood Los Angeles, where he is working on pursuing his dream.

A few facts about Sonny:

In 2008 does Sonny make an international dance education in Denmark and Hollywood, Los Angeles. Sonny has in the last couple of years spent most of his time in Hollywood, where he works with some of the best choreographers and directors.

He has not only been doing a certain aspect in show business Hollywood, but has tried most of it. He goes to auditions, attends in television shows, and is currently working on his upcoming solo-record, which is set to be released in 2011.

He has been in many projects in Hollywood already, like the American television shows called “Dance Your Ass Off” and “Better with you”.

He has also been dancing at 82. Academy Award, and been in a Danish television program too, called “Til middag hos”.

Today is his new single “Save the world (on the dance floor)” having world premiere, which I have been looking very much forward too. I and many others have been following the countdown on his official homepage ww.sonny.dk .

I really like the tune, it is running on repeat on my laptop at the moment.

Sonny has made the tune together with the American producer/ songwriter Tommy Parker aka T -gunz from Rodney Jerkins Darkchild team. Tommy Parker has besides from Sonny, also been working with famous artists like Janet Jackson, and Britney Spears.

When you hear the tune the first couple of times, it is this great up-beat tune about dancing, and having a great time. It has a secret message though, which you will notice when you have heard the tune, and been listening to the lyrics a few times.

I think the tune is about saving the environment and the world. The entire tune simply has a deeper meaning, which I find so cool!

–          You can listen to the tune, and download it on his homepage http://www.sonny.dk

Not only is Sonny a great singer, he is also a really great dancer, and has been dancing for many years. (I believe I heard it was since the age of three, not quite sure though)

In my opinion, Sonny is a very talented artist, who I think you should all have a look at, because it is quite possible, that he will be in more great and exciting projects in Hollywood in the future.

If you want to know more about Sonny-Fredie Pedersen, then make sure to check out his video log on starlounge here , or check out his homepage at www.sonny.dk .

Sonny- Fredie Pedersen can also be found here:


So do yourself a favour, and check him out! 🙂



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I <3 Yoga


How are you all doing today? I’m really great, even though this day is going to be very busy.

Apart from the homework, and the dress I need to finish today, I have to practice on the violin & piano, then continue on the post for tomorrow (I’ll keep it as a secret until I publish it, sorry). Then I have to make a new layout for the blog, and then I have to begin on my new training program.

I have to get in shape for the summer. (WOOP) – You’ll never know who you might run into 😉

So that’s the main theme for the post today, work out.

I’m not a “big fan” of too rough exersice, so thats why I find yoga as a nice and relaxing way to do some workout.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual “workout”, from India.

The Sanskrit word “yoga” has many meanings. “yuj” meaning “to control”, “to yoke” or “to unite”.

In the West, the term “yoga” is typically associated with Hatha Yoga and its asanas (postures) or as a form of exercise. According to Meera Nanda, modern Hatha yoga includes many Western style gymnastics and bodybuilding exercises which were adopted in India in the 19th and 20th centuries, but her claims of the extent of these influences have been disputed.

Here is my favorite pose, which you can try if you like: (picture and guide taken from yoga journal here )

1. Sit on the floor with your buttocks supported on a folded blanket and your legs straight in front of you. Press actively through your heels. Rock slightly onto your left buttock, and pull your right sitting bone away from the heel with your right hand. Repeat on the other side. Turn the top thighs in slightly and press them down into the floor. Press through your palms or finger tips on the floor beside your hips and lift the top of the sternum toward the ceiling as the top thighs descend.

2. Draw the inner groins deep into the pelvis. Inhale, and keeping the front torso long, lean forward from the hip joints, not the waist. Lengthen the tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. If possible take the sides of the feet with your hands, thumbs on the soles, elbows fully extended; if this isn’t possible, loop a strap around the foot soles, and hold the strap firmly. Be sure your elbows are straight, not bent.

3. When you are ready to go further, don’t forcefully pull yourself into the forward bend, whether your hands are on the feet or holding the strap. Always lengthen the front torso into the pose, keeping your head raised. If you are holding the feet, bend the elbows out to the sides and lift them away from the floor; if holding the strap, lighten your grip and walk the hands forward, keeping the arms long. The lower belly should touch the thighs first, then the upper belly, then the ribs, and the head last.

4. With each inhalation, lift and lengthen the front torso just slightly; with each exhalation release a little more fully into the forward bend. In this way the torso oscillates and lengthens almost imperceptibly with the breath. Eventually you may be able to stretch the arms out beyond the feet on the floor.

5. Stay in the pose anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes. To come up, first lift the torso away from the thighs and straighten the elbows again if they are bent. Then inhale and lift the torso up by pulling the tailbone down and into the pelvis.

–> Enjoy guys!  Have a nice day.




What I always carry with me

Morning world! 🙂

I’m blogging early today, since I’m going to the theatre tonight, and therefore first will be home very late.

Time for a fun post. I do have some things, which I never leave my home without. Do you have things like that too? Something very important?

I didn’t want to bring my calender nor my keys in the picture, since I find them as obvious 😉

(sorry about the bad quality btw).

1. Iphone (check out the cupcake cover, which I’ve bought in Urban outfitters).

2. Lipglosses (One from MOR cosmetics, and one from Elisabeth Arden (I need to be prepared)

3. Vintage mirror. ( I don’t need to comment on that, every girl just needs a mirror!)

4. Earphones. (I’m an addict when it comes to music. I’m carrying my earphones with me everywhere).

What do you always have in your purse when you leave your home? Leave me a comment in the commentsection below, and let me know 🙂

Otherwise I just want to wish you a happy Tuesday!



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practice practice

Goodmorning everyone! How are you all doing?

I’ve just finished some piano practice, missing my violin. Haven’t been playing in five days, because I haven’t been home. Looking very much forward to come home and play! A piano is great, it just can’t replace my instrument.

I miss having my fingers looking like this after practice :

Here’s a brilliant violin tune, makes me want to play so badly!

Have a nice and sunny day,



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I <3 grønÌrt


I just got home from downtown, where I got some lunch with my family at a new cafe, called “cafe grønĂŚrt”. In english, it’s a green vegable, which is very nice.

I’ve posted a photospam now, so you all can have a little look at the cafe. Their food and their smoothies are absolutely amazing. I’d give them six stars. haha 😉

All the service in the cafe can be recycled.  So that’s really awesome. Enjoy the pictures, and if you live in the same town as me, make sure to check the cafe out!




Have a great and sunny day! 🙂



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Copenhagen by spring= Cute guys, good shopping, and having a nice time!


Hi everyone! Long time since I last blogged. I’m not dead don’t worry 😉 I’ve just been really bad to be on the internet in the last couple of days. No more stupid excuses! I’m doing really great. Doing this holiday I’ve spend way to much time (and money) in Copenhagen.

By writing that, does not mean or indicate, that I regret any of it. I’ve been there with my good friend Lykke, and my sister Emma. Unfortunate I do not have that many pictures from my trip with Lykke, since we was “on the go” in six hours, and did only have time for pictures, when we got home very exhausted.

Luckily my sister and I had a little more time in the city, and got the chance to take a few pictures!

Our “To do list” looked like this:

1. Visit Abercrombie & Fitch (explanation will follow)

2. Eat cupcakes.

3. Shop

4. Look at cute guys

Here is the explanantion for no 1. on out To-do list.

Cute right? AND HOT! – Well Abercrombie & Fitch is a really exspensive store, which I usually never would walk into. But, they have the nicest staff I’ve met in a long time (very good looking males) I’m a girl, don’t judge! 🙂

And then the store have this “prime time for girls” (that’s what I call it at least). Where one of the men in the staff take his shirt off, and then you can go and have a picture taken with him.

So that’s why I find the store real nice! 😉 – Their clothes is cool too, I just can’t afford it.

Apart from him, we met and saw so many other cute guys.

Viva la Copenhagen ❤

To celebrate the picture above, we got some yummi cupcakes from the Illum bakery. (If you every go to copenhagen, try it!)

Mine is the one to the right. “orange taste”. YUM!

Then we went shopping.. I got myself this lovely jewllery from Pilgrim:

Apart from that, I bought a book about the great designer Alexander Mcqueen, a new cover for my iphone, and a lipgloss from the Australian bran Mor cosmetics. (will post a picture as soon as I find the things :S)

Lets end this post with a nice tune, shall we?

100 years- by five for fighting:

– My fave tune this week!

Have a nice and sunny day!



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Hi eveyone!

So how’s everybodys sonday going? Mine is a little boring, since I’m stuck with homework again.

But it’s a good thing to finish th assignments now, because the upcoming week is going to be really crazy 😉 As usual.

In one of my study breaks, I saw this video by live@thome with Jamie Cullum, with live music 🙂 So cool!

Have a nice Sunday!



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Study study study

Yep that’s what I’m going to spend my saturday evening with; homework.

But I am trying to survive it by listening to some brilliant music! Right now, It’s Sander Kleinenberg ft. Jamie Cullum “remember when”, which is running on repeat.

In the video, Jamie is wearing this cool hat or something. Time for a funfact, it was a fan who gave it to him at a meet and greet. (I’ve been chatting with her, she’s really nice) So when they shooting of the video was done , the hat somehow dissapeared, or got stolen.

So when the fan met him the 2nd time, she brought another hat for him 🙂 A really fun one actually. (it was around christmas, so a red hat)

Have a nice eve! I hope you aren’t making homework like I am right now. Biology and a danish article is not the most ecxiting thing to do.

