
Music, photographs, design <3

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Copenhagen by spring= Cute guys, good shopping, and having a nice time!


Hi everyone! Long time since I last blogged. I’m not dead don’t worry 😉 I’ve just been really bad to be on the internet in the last couple of days. No more stupid excuses! I’m doing really great. Doing this holiday I’ve spend way to much time (and money) in Copenhagen.

By writing that, does not mean or indicate, that I regret any of it. I’ve been there with my good friend Lykke, and my sister Emma. Unfortunate I do not have that many pictures from my trip with Lykke, since we was “on the go” in six hours, and did only have time for pictures, when we got home very exhausted.

Luckily my sister and I had a little more time in the city, and got the chance to take a few pictures!

Our “To do list” looked like this:

1. Visit Abercrombie & Fitch (explanation will follow)

2. Eat cupcakes.

3. Shop

4. Look at cute guys

Here is the explanantion for no 1. on out To-do list.

Cute right? AND HOT! – Well Abercrombie & Fitch is a really exspensive store, which I usually never would walk into. But, they have the nicest staff I’ve met in a long time (very good looking males) I’m a girl, don’t judge! 🙂

And then the store have this “prime time for girls” (that’s what I call it at least). Where one of the men in the staff take his shirt off, and then you can go and have a picture taken with him.

So that’s why I find the store real nice! 😉 – Their clothes is cool too, I just can’t afford it.

Apart from him, we met and saw so many other cute guys.

Viva la Copenhagen ❤

To celebrate the picture above, we got some yummi cupcakes from the Illum bakery. (If you every go to copenhagen, try it!)

Mine is the one to the right. “orange taste”. YUM!

Then we went shopping.. I got myself this lovely jewllery from Pilgrim:

Apart from that, I bought a book about the great designer Alexander Mcqueen, a new cover for my iphone, and a lipgloss from the Australian bran Mor cosmetics. (will post a picture as soon as I find the things :S)

Lets end this post with a nice tune, shall we?

100 years- by five for fighting:

– My fave tune this week!

Have a nice and sunny day!

